Mrs. Rebecca Rossiter is the May Staff Member of the Month

Southgate Public School is proud to announce that Mrs. Rebecca Rossiter has been selected as the May Staff Member of the Month. Mrs. Rossiter is our second grade teacher, but has also taught kindergarten and first grade here in the past. She also currently serves on our School Based Decision Making Council.

Mrs. Rossiter earned her Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education in 1999 from Centre College and her Masters Degree in 2006 from Northern Kentucky University. She began her teaching career in Pennsylvania in 2000 and began teaching at Southgate Public School in 2002. In 2018, she was honored as a Warm 98.5 Teacher of the Week.

Mrs. Rossiter stated, "I am honored to have been chosen for Superstar Teacher of the Month.  But I couldn't do this job without my superstar classes!  small school BIG PRIDE!"

To nominate a staff member, please go to